Certificate of Upgrade to
Complete Asshole
Certificate of Upgrade
Complete Asshole
Is awarded to
In Recognition of Your Obnoxious Attitude, Ability to Piss
People Off, Complete Asinine Juvenile Behavior and Total
Dedication to Personal Gain Without Regard to the Many
Hardships You Have Forced Upon Friends, Family, and Others
During Your Lifetime, You Have Become a Legend In YOUR Own
To Recognize Your Upgrade From Half-Assed to Complete Asshole
Gives All Concerned Great Satisfaction. If Anyone, For Any
Reason, Doubts Your Status,
Effective Date _________________ Signed _____________________
Перевод текста american sports and games.
Биография альберта эйнштейна на английском языке краткое.
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Certificate of Upgrade to Complete Asshole