A young Army 1st Lt. is in the bathroom (head) releaving himself at the urinal, when a young boy walks in. The boy, seeing the young Lt.’s green uniform asks him if he was in the Army. The Lt. smiles and say’s, «Why yes I am…you wanna wear my hat?» The boy nods and the hat is placed on his head. As the boy admired himself in the mirror, the bathroom door slammed open and an old Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt walked in. He was decked out in his Dress Blue Uniform, with medals down his chest. The boy, seeing the uniform asked him, «Hey, are you a Marine?» The Gunnery Sgt peared down at the boy and responded, «That’s right! Why? Do wanna suck me off?» The boy replied nervously, «I-I-I’m not in the Army!! I’m just wearing his hat!!»
Sent by Brian
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