Buckwheat Lets the Cat Outta the Bag

Buckwheat Lets the Cat Outta the Bag One day the little rascals were sitting in school. The teacher walked in, and said, «good morning class. Today we are going to play word games. I’m going to give you a word and I want you to put it in a sentence for me.» She said «Spanky you’re first. Your word is football.» Spanky stood up and proudly said » I threw the football,» and sat down. The teacher said «very good Spanky.» Then the teacher said, «Darla, you’re next. Your word is pretty.» Darla stood up and said, » I think I’m very pretty!» Then she sat down. Then the teacher called on Buckwheat. She said, «Buckwheat, you’re next. Your word is dictate.» Buckwheat stood up looked at Arial, and said, «Hey Darla! How’d my dic tate las nigh?

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Buckwheat Lets the Cat Outta the Bag