Fibby and Elivie were the best friends and it seemed that nothing could overshadow their relations. Who could imagine that they would become enemies for the rest of their life?
It was lovely winter day when Fibby and Elivie came to pass their exam. It was the day when everything went into pieces in their lives. What happened to the girls and how could they was a sensitive and quiet girl; usually she took Fibby`s words on trust. But Fibby, who has a nasty tongue, did not care much what she was speaking about. And she offended her best friend on that day. Elivie did not venture to enter the room while Fibby was eager to get rid of the exam as soon as possible — that`s why she was among the students of the first group. After a while she opened the door with anger, shouted at Elivie who could not understand what had happened. Fibby was obsessed about the mark she was given; she had a scene with Elivie and spoke out what uppermost to her tongue.
— I can`t believe my ears! You misjudged her! — exclaimed Elivie.
— But it is really so. You should listen to what I heard! — protested Fibby.
— No, it is not the truth. It can`t be, — said Elivie and passed by the room not going to take her exam that day.
After three weeks or so Elivie learnt the truth but anyway she would never ask Fibby to take the words back because it would not change the situation. The ex-best friend was lost for Elivie and there was only one way out — not to pay attention to the words spoken by Fibby. It`s her life, the life of Elivie and she will protect herself from such people as Fibby.
Перевод текста healthy food.
2 choosing a career.
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