At the doctor’s
В топике У врача я рассказываю, как моей маме пришлось вызвать врача на дом, потому что зимой я простудился, не помог даже горячий лимонад. Я описываю, как пришел врач, и какое лечение он назначил. Если точно выполнять все назначения, то можно быстро выздороветь и вернуться к своим обычным занятиям.
It is winter now and it is often cold. I really can’t stand the cold. So sometime ago I suddenly fell ill. I had a high temperature, a running nose and a sore throat. I also had a splitting headache and a cough. My whole body was aching. My mother fixed me a hot lemonade but that didn’t help me much. She wanted to give me some aspirin too, but there wasn’t any at home. My mother told me to stay in bed and called a doctor. The doctor came, took off his coat and put on his white gown. The doctor asked me to strip to the waist. He examined my lungs and throat, took my pulse and temperature, measured my blood pressure. Finally he said that it was a light case of flu and told me to stay in bed and have complete rest. He wrote a prescription for some gargle and cough medicine. He also gave me some sulfa pills, a slip for X-Ray and blood examination. He recommended to apply glass-cups and mustard plasters. I followed all the doctor’s instructions and very soon I felt much better. I fully recovered in ten days and resumed my studies.





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