Значение идиомы in one’s heart of hearts
[in one’s heart of hearts] {adv. phr.} Deep down where it reallymatters; in one’s innermost feelings. In my heart of hearts, Ithink you’re the nicest person in the whole world.
Перевод идиомы ask for the moon, значение выражения и пример использования
Идиома: ask for the moon Перевод: просить слишком многого Пример: The woman is asking for the moon. She will never get what she wants. Эта женщина просит слишком много. Она никогда не получит, чего
Значение идиомы to the best of one’s knowledge
[to the best of one’s knowledge] As far as you know; to the extentof your knowledge. He has never won a game, to the best of myknowledge. To the best of my knowledge he
Значение идиомы black-and-white
[black-and-white] {adj.} Divided into only two sides that are either right or wrong or good or bad, with nothing in between; thinking or judging everything as either good or bad. Everything is black-and-white to
Значение идиомы scrape together
[scrape together] {v. phr.} To quickly assemble, usually fromscanty ingredients. We were so hungry we had to scrape togethersome lunch from all kinds of frozen leftovers.
Значение идиомы pay court to
[pay court to] {v. phr.} To woo; to shower with attention. Hehad been paying court to her for three long years before he worked upthe courage to ask her to marry him.
Значение идиомы have the constitution of an ox
[have the constitution of an ox] {v. phr.} To be able to workextremely hard and to have the stamina to overcome misfortune. Stan, who has lost both of his parents within one year and
Значение идиомы gird one’s loins
[gird one’s loins] {v. phr.}, {literary} To prepare for action; getready for a struggle or hard work. David girded up his loins andwent out to meet the giant Goliath. Seniors must gird their loinsfor
Перевод идиомы come out of the closet, значение выражения и пример использования
Идиома: come out of the closet Перевод: выйти из шкафа; рассказать о чем-либо скрываемом, тайном; раскрыться (чаще всего используется для заявления о своей гомосексуальности; часто сокращается до фразового глагола Come out) Пример: Jay decided
Значение идиомы taper off
[taper off] {v.} 1. To come to an end little by little; becomesmaller toward the end. The river tapers off here and becomes abrook. 2. To stop a habit gradually; do something less and