Перевод идиомы touch / strike / hit a (raw) nerve, значение выражения и пример использования
Идиома: touch / strike / hit a (raw) nerve Перевод: задеть нерв; затронуть больную тему; расстроить Пример: The newspaper article touched a raw nerve – people still resent the closure of the local school.
Значение идиомы old hat
[old hat] {adj.}, {informal} Old-fashioned; not new or different. By now, putting satellites in orbit is old hat to space scientists. Andrea thought her mother’s ideas about dating were old hat.
Значение идиомы hit the books
[hit the books] {v. phr.}, {informal} To study your schoolassignments, prepare for classes. Jack broke away from his friends, saying, “I’ve got to hit the books.”
Перевод идиомы turn a blind eye (to someone or something), значение выражения и пример использования
Идиома: turn a blind eye (to someone or something) Перевод: делать вид, что не замечать что-либо; закрывать на что-либо глаза Пример: Our teacher usually turns a blind eye to the fact that the student
Перевод идиомы on someone’s or something’s last legs, значение выражения и пример использования
Идиома: on someone’s or something’s last legs Перевод: быть почти выдохшимся, на исходе, при последнем издыхании Пример: My computer is on its last legs and soon I will have to buy a new one.
Значение идиомы last-ditch
[last-ditch] {adj.} Made or done as a last chance to keep fromlosing or tailing. He threw away his cigarettes in a last-ditcheffort to stop smoking. Compare: BACK TO THE WALL.
Значение идиомы in line
[in line ] {adv. phr.} In or into a straight line. The boysstood in line to buy their tickets. Tom set the chairs in linealong the wall. The carpenter put the edges of the
Значение идиомы level with
[level with] {v. phr.} To tell someone the truth; not engage inlies and subterfuge. “You can level with me,” his father said. “Didyou break that window?”
Значение идиомы put in mind of
[put in mind of] {v. phr.}, {nonstandard} To remind of; suggest to;call up the memory of. She puts me in mind of my sister. Thatputs me in mind of a story.
Значение идиомы take the offensive
[take the offensive] {v. phr.} To make oneself the attacking party. After many months of preparation, the freedom fighters were readyto take the offensive. Contrast TAKE THE DEFENSIVE.