Перевод идиомы take someone at his or her word, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: take someone at his or her word Перевод: поймать кого-либо на слове Пример: I decided to take the woman at her word when she invited me to see her pottery demonstration. Я решил

Значение идиомы hot and bothered

[hot and bothered] {adj.}, {informal} Excited and worried, displeased, or puzzled. – A hackneyed phrase. Fritz got all hot andbothered when he failed in the test. Leona was all hot andbothered when her escort

Значение идиомы turn over

[turn over] {v.} 1. To roll, tip, or turn from one side to theother; overturn; upset. He’s going to turn over the page. Thebike hit a rock and turned over. 2, To think about

Перевод идиомы in deep water, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: in deep water Перевод: быть в беде, иметь неприятности Пример: The boy is in deep water because of his problems at school. У этого мальчика неприятности из-за проблем в школе.

Значение идиомы all wet

[all wet] {adj.}, {slang} Entirely confused or wrong; mistaken. When the Wright brothers said they could build a flying machine, people thought they were all wet. If you think I like baseball, you’re all

Перевод идиомы take someone by surprise, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: take someone by surprise Перевод: удивить кого-либо Пример: The sudden resignation of the mayor took everyone by surprise. Неожиданная отставка мэра всех удивила.

Значение идиомы put up to

[put up to] {v. phr.}, {informal} To talk to and make do; persuadeto; get to do. Older boys put us up to painting the statue red. Compare: EGG ON.

Значение идиомы play on

[play on] or [play upon] {v.} 1. To cause an effect on; influence. A heavy diet of television drama played on his feelings. 2. Towork upon for a planned effect; excite to a desired

Значение идиомы dead to rights

[dead to rights] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Without a chance of escaping blame; proven wrong. Mother had Bob dead to rights, because she caught him with his hand in the cookie jar. The police caught

Значение идиомы worm in

[worm in] {v. phr.} To insinuate oneself; penetrate gradually. By cultivating the friendship of a few of the prominent merchants, Peter hoped to worm his way into that exclusive elite of exportmagnates.
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