[take potluck] {v. phr.} To share as a guest an everyday mealwithout special preparation. You are welcome to stay for dinner ifyou will take potluck. They were about to have lunch when hephoned and
[hold one’s own] {v. phr.} To keep your position; avoid losingground; keep your advantage, wealth, or condition without loss. Mr. Smith could not build up his business, but he held his own. Theteam held
Идиома: not tell a (living) soul Перевод: не рассказывать что-либо ни одной живой душе, абсолютно никому Пример: I did not tell a soul about what happened during the fight with my friend. Я ни
[stuff and nonsense] {n.} Foolish or empty writing or talk;nonsense. Fred told a long story about his adventures in Africa, but it was all stuff and nonsense. Often used as an interjection. When Jane
[in a family way] or [in the family way] {adj. phr.}, {informal}Going to have a baby. Sue and Liz are happy because their mother isin the family way. The Ferguson children are promising kittens
[lower the boom] {v. phr.}, {informal} To punish strictly; check orstop fully. The mayor lowered the boom on outside jobs for cityfiremen. Father lowered the boom on the girls for staying outafter midnight. Syn.:
Идиома: learn to live with something Перевод: научиться приспосабливаться к чему-либо неприятному, болезненному Пример: My mother and father must learn to live with not having a supermarket next door to them. Мои мать с
[look forward to] {v.} 1. To expect. At breakfast, John lookedforward to a difficult day. 2. To expect with hope or pleasure. Frank was looking forward to that evening’s date.
[in that] {conj.} For the reason that; because. I like the city, but I like the country better in that I have more friends in thecountry.
Идиома: set the stage / scene for something Перевод: подготовить почву для чего-либо; сделать неизбежным что-либо Пример: The win by our team set the stage for the final championship game next month. Победа нашей