Значение идиомы mine of information
[mine of information] {n. phr.} A person, a book, etc., that is avaluable source of information. A dictionary can be a mine ofinformation. He is a mine of information on the stock market.
Значение идиомы get across
[get across] {v.} 1. To explain clearly, make clear; tomake clear the meaning of. Mr. Brown is a good coach because he canget across the plays. Syn.: PUT ACROSS. 2. To become clear. Theteacher
Значение идиомы faultfinding
[faultfinding] {n.} Recrimination; nagging; criticism. All ofthis constant faultfinding will only to lead to trouble between youand your wife.
Перевод идиомы come what may, значение выражения и пример использования
Идиома: come what may Перевод: будь, что будет Пример: Come what may I was determined to go to Spain for my holidays. Неважно, что бы случилось, я был решительно настроен поехать в отпуск в
Значение идиомы awkward age
[awkward age] {n.} Adolescence; awkwardness during adolescence. Sue used to be an “ugly duckling” when she was at the awkward age, but today she is a glamorous fashion model.
Значение идиомы every time one turns around
[every time one turns around] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Very often. Mr. Winston must be rich. He buys a new suit every time he turnsaround. No, Charles – I can’t drive you to the park
Значение идиомы tune-up
[tune-up] {n.} 1. The adjusting or fixing of something to make it work safely and well. Father says the car needs atune-up before winter begins. 2. Exercise or practicing for thepurpose of getting ready;
Значение идиомы stick to one’s guns
[stick to one’s guns] or [stand by one’s guns] {v. phr.} To hold toan aim or an opinion even though people try to stop you or say you arewrong. People laughed at Columbus when
Значение идиомы on the wane and on the wax
[on the wane and on the wax] {adv. phr.} Decreasing and increasing.- Said of the moon. The moon is regularly on the wane and on thewax at regular intervals lasting half a month.
Значение идиомы cease-fire
[cease-fire] {n.} A period of negotiated nonaggression, when the warring parties involved promise not to attack. Unfortunately, the cease-fire in Bosnia was broken many times by all parties concerned.