[mine of information] {n. phr.} A person, a book, etc., that is avaluable source of information. A dictionary can be a mine ofinformation. He is a mine of information on the stock market.
[get across] {v.} 1. To explain clearly, make clear; tomake clear the meaning of. Mr. Brown is a good coach because he canget across the plays. Syn.: PUT ACROSS. 2. To become clear. Theteacher
[faultfinding] {n.} Recrimination; nagging; criticism. All ofthis constant faultfinding will only to lead to trouble between youand your wife.
Идиома: come what may Перевод: будь, что будет Пример: Come what may I was determined to go to Spain for my holidays. Неважно, что бы случилось, я был решительно настроен поехать в отпуск в
[awkward age] {n.} Adolescence; awkwardness during adolescence. Sue used to be an “ugly duckling” when she was at the awkward age, but today she is a glamorous fashion model.
[every time one turns around] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Very often. Mr. Winston must be rich. He buys a new suit every time he turnsaround. No, Charles – I can’t drive you to the park
[tune-up] {n.} 1. The adjusting or fixing of something to make it work safely and well. Father says the car needs atune-up before winter begins. 2. Exercise or practicing for thepurpose of getting ready;
[stick to one’s guns] or [stand by one’s guns] {v. phr.} To hold toan aim or an opinion even though people try to stop you or say you arewrong. People laughed at Columbus when
[on the wane and on the wax] {adv. phr.} Decreasing and increasing.- Said of the moon. The moon is regularly on the wane and on thewax at regular intervals lasting half a month.
[cease-fire] {n.} A period of negotiated nonaggression, when the warring parties involved promise not to attack. Unfortunately, the cease-fire in Bosnia was broken many times by all parties concerned.