Значение идиомы to the full

[to the full] {adv. phr.} Very much; fully. The campers enjoyedtheir trip to the full. We appreciated to the full the teacher’shelp. Compare: TO THE HILT.

Значение идиомы pair off

[pair off] {v.} 1. To make a pair of; put two together; associate;match. Mrs. Smith paired off her guests by age and tastes. 2. Tobelong to a pair; become one of a pair. Jane

Значение идиомы mill around

[mill around] {v. phr.} To move impatiently in no particulardirection. The crowd milled around, waiting for the arrival of thepresident.

Значение идиомы knee-deep

[knee-deep] or [neck-deep] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Very much;deeply; having a big part in. Johnny was knee-deep in trouble. 2.Very busy; working hard at. We were neck-deep in homework beforethe exams. 3. Getting

Перевод идиомы as is, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: as is Перевод: в текущем, нынешнем состоянии; в том виде, в каком есть Пример: We bought the old sofa as is. It was very cheap. Мы купили старый диван в том виде, в

Перевод идиомы wait in the wings, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: wait in the wings Перевод: ждать своего часа, быть наготове Пример: The vice-president was waiting in the wings to help the president. Вице президент был готов помочь, если президенту понадобится помощь.

Значение идиомы close-up

[close-up] {n.} A photograph, motion picture, or video camera shot taken at very close range. Directors of movies frequently show close-ups of the main characters.

Перевод идиомы in good shape / in good condition, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: in good shape / in good condition Перевод: в хорошей форме, в хорошем состоянии Пример: Our television set was in good shape when we gave it to my friend. Наш телевизор был в

Значение идиомы party to

[party to] {adj. phr.} Concerned with; participating in. Theprosecution has been trying to show that the defendant was party to afraud.

Значение идиомы all right for you

[all right for you] {interj.} I’m finished with you! That ends it between you and me! – Used by children. All right for you! I’m not playing with you any more!
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