[rap one’s knuckles] {v. phr.} To scold or punish. The principalrapped our knuckles for cheating on the test. If you talk back toDad, you’ll get your knuckles rapped. The club got its knucklesrapped by
Идиома: (to be) high time Перевод: быть давно пора; что-либо, что следовало сделать уже давно Пример: It is high time that we spent some time cleaning up our house. Нам уже давно пора прибраться
[rust away] {v. phr.} To disappear gradually through the process ofrust or corrosion. If you refuse to paint those metal bars on thewindow, they will soon rust away.
[come up] {v.} 1. To become a subject for discussion or decision to talk about or decide about. “He was a good salesman, and price never came up until the very last,” Mary said.
[stage whisper] {n. phr.} A loud whisper intended to reach otherears than those of the person addressed. Some jokes should betold in a stage whisper.
[blind leading the blind] One or more people who do not know or understand something trying to explain it to others who do not know or understand. Jimmy is trying to show Bill how
[old boy] or [old chap] {n.}, {chiefly British} One of the meneducated at the same institution and bound by strong ties of loyaltyto each other. He got the job because the boss was another
Идиома: as a matter of fact Идиома: as a matter of fact разг. Перевод: на самом деле, фактически, собственно говоря Пример: As a matter of fact, we have been to the art gallery many
Идиома: have something in mind Перевод: быть на уме; планировать, собираться сделать Пример: What do you have in mind for your wife’s birthday? Что ты планируешь на день рождения своей жены?
Идиома: in plain language / in plain English Перевод: простым и понятным языком Пример: My bank explained to me in plain English what the terms of the loan were. В банке мне просто и