Значение идиомы keep in touch with

[keep in touch with] {v. phr.} To remain in communication with;maintain contact with. Don’t forget to keep in touch, either byletter or phone, when you’re in Europe!

Значение идиомы on the mend

[on the mend] {adj. phr.} Healing; becoming better. John’sbroken leg is on the mend. Mary’s relationship with Joan is on themend.

Значение идиомы landing ship

[landing ship] {n.} A ship built to land troops and army equipmenton a beach for an invasion. The landing ship came near the beach, doors in the bow opened, and marines ran out.

Значение идиомы That makes two of us!

[That makes two of us!] Informal way to say, “I am in agreementwith what you arc saying or doing.” So you voted for SenatorAldridge? So did I – that makes two of us.

Значение идиомы hush-hush

[hush-hush] {adj.}, {informal} Kept secret or hidden; kept frompublic knowledge; hushed up; concealed. The company had a newautomobile engine that it was developing, but kept it a hush-hushproject until they knew it was successful.

Значение идиомы on ice

[on ice] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {slang} 1. The same as won; sure tobe won. The score was 20-10 in the last inning, and our team hadthe game on ice. 2. Away for safekeeping

Перевод идиомы water under the bridge, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: water under the bridge Перевод: что было, то было; что-либо, что уже произошло и чего нельзя изменить Пример: It was terrible that your house was robbed but it is water under the bridge

Значение идиомы go through the motions

[go through the motions] {v. phr.} To pretend to do something bymoving or acting as if you were really doing it; do something withoutreally trying hard or caring. Jane was angry because she couldn’tgo

Значение идиомы trial balloon

[trial balloon] {n.} A hint about a plan of action that is givenout to find out what people will say. John mentioned the classpresidency to Bill as a trial balloon to see if Bill

Значение идиомы pull up stakes

[pull up stakes] {v. phr.}, {informal} To leave the place where youhave been living. We are going to pull up stakes and move toCalifornia. The Jones family pulled up stakes three times in twoyears.
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