Идиома: lose track of something Перевод: потерять след, нить чего-либо, не следить за ходом, развитием Пример: I’ve lost track – what day are you leaving? Я запутался – в какой день ты уезжаешь? I
[hand down] {v.} To arrange to give or leave after, death. Joewill have his father’s gold watch because it is handed down in thefamily. In old times, property was usually handed down to theoldest
[chicken-brained] {adj.} Stupid; narrow-minded; unimaginative. I can’t understand how a bright woman like Helen can date such a chicken-brained guy as Oliver.
[out of the red] {adv. phr.} Having reached solvency; no longer indebt. Under the new management, our company finally got out of thered. Contrast: IN THE HOLE, IN THE RED. Compare: IN THE BLACK.
[chicken-hearted] {adj.} Cowardly; excessively timid. “Come on, let’s get on that roller coaster,” she cried. “Don’t be so chicken-hearted.” See: CHICKEN-LIVERED.
[tight squeeze] {n. phr.} A difficult situation; financialtroubles. The Browns aren’t going out to dinner these days; theyare in a tight squeeze.
[run riot] {v. phr.} 1. To act freely or wildly; not controlyourself. The monkey got out of his cage and ran riot in the petshop. John let his imagination run riot, thinking he was
[try on] {v.} To put on to see if it fits. She triedon several pairs of shoes before she found one she liked. Theclerk told him to try the coat on.
[in the air] {adv. phr.} 1. In everyone’s thoughts. Christmaswas in the air for weeks before. The war filled people’s thoughtsevery day; it was in the air. Compare: IN THE WIND. 2. Meeting thebodily
Идиома: pull one’s punches Перевод: смягчать удар, смягчать критику, быть умеренным, снисходительным Пример: The manager was pulling his punches when he began to criticize his workers. Менеджер был снисходительным, когда начал критиковать своих рабочих.