[in place ] {adv. phr.} 1a. In the right or usual place orposition. Nothing is in place after the earthquake. Even trees andhouses are turned over. The picture is not in place on the
Идиома: bring to one’s knees / bring someone or something to their knees Перевод: поставить на колени; победить кого-либо или что-либо Пример: The strike by the teachers quickly brought the school district to its
[fill one’s shoes] {v. phr.} To take the place of another and do aswell; to substitute satisfactorily for. When Jack got hurt, thecoach had nobody to fill his shoes. Joe hopes to fill his
Pick a The lock [pick a The lock] {v. phr.} To burglarize; open illegally; open alock without the regular key. The robber got into the house bypicking the lock.
[holistic health] {n.}, {informal}, {semi-technical} Themaintenance of health and the avoidance of disease through suchpsychogenic practices and procedures as biofeedback, meditation, alternative methods of childbirth, and avoidance of drugs. TheMurgatroyds are regular holistic health
[let down] {v. phr.} 1. To allow to descend; lower. Harry letthe chain saw down on a rope and then climbed down himself. 2. Torelax; stop trying so hard; take it easy. The horse
[put upon] {v.} To use unfairly; expect too much from. – Used in the passive or in the past participle. Martha was put uponby the bigger girls. Arthur was a much put-upon person.
Идиома: time and a half Перевод: зарплата в полуторном размере, получаемая за сверхурочную работу Пример: The supermarket workers receive time and a half when they work on Saturday. Работники супермаркета получают зарплату в полуторном
[give color to] or [lend color to] {v. phr.} To make seem true or likely. The boy’s torn clothes gave color to his storyof a fight. The way the man ate lent color to
[get off to a flying] or [running start] {v. phr.} To have apromising or successful beginning. Ron got off to a flying start inbusiness school when he got nothing but A’s.