[ears burn] {informal} To feel embarrassment or shame at hearingothers talk about you. Joan overheard the girls criticizing her andit made her ears burn. Joe’s ears burned when he heard hisclassmates praising him to
[to boot] {adv. phr.} In addition; besides; as something extra. He not only got fifty dollars, but they bought him dinner to boot. Compare: FOR GOOD MEASURE, IN THE BARGAIN, THROW IN.
[steamed up] {adj.}, {informal} Excited or angry about or eager todo something. The coach gave the team a pep talk before the game, and he got them all steamed up to win the game.
[one-upmanship] {v.}, {informal} Always keeping ahead of others;trying to keep an advantage. No matter what I do, I find that Jimhas already done it better. He’s an expert at one-upmanship. Jacktook the news to
[throw off] {v.} 1. To get free from. He was healthy enough tothrow off his cold easily. Compare: RID OF. 2. To mislead; confuse;fool. They went by a different route to throw the hostile
[dine out] {v. phr.} To not eat at home but to go to a restaurant. “Let’s dine out tonight, honey,” she said to her husband. “I am tired of cooking dinner every night.” See:
[keep one at a distance] or [keep one at arm’s length] {v. phr.} Toavoid company; not become too friendly toward. Mr. Smith is kind to the workers in his store but after work he
Идиома: I’ll get right on it. Перевод: Сейчас же этим займусь. Я займусь этим немедленно. Пример: “I need you to send these letters off.” “I’ll get right on it.” Мне нужно, чтобы ты отправил
Идиома: make no mistake (about something) Перевод: не иметь сомнений о чем-либо, быть уверенным в чем-либо Пример: I told the man to make no mistake about the fact that he was not permitted to
[pipe down] {v.} 1. To call away from work with awhistle. He piped the men down after boat drill. 2. {slang} Tostop talking; shut up; be quiet. “Oh, pipe down,” he called. -Often considered