Jane: Our Lease is up at the end of this year and we need To negotiate a new one.
Monty: I know, but if I Bring it up first, the Landlord will think I’m Desperate to renew.
Jane: We are desperate to renew. We’ve built our business here, and it would be really difficult To uproot it and reestablish it elsewhere.
Monty: I know, but given our Antagonistic dealings in the past, I’m afraid the landlord is going To jack up our Rent and we’ll be Forced out.
Jane: It’s In the best interest of the landlord to keep a Steady business leasing his property.
Monty: He might not see it that way. He might see this as an opportunity to bring in a higher-paying Tenant.
Jane: Or he may realize that A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Monty: Or he might think, “Out with the old and in with the new.”
Jane: You won’t know until you contact him.
Monty: Right, but I think I’ll let him Stew just a little longer.
Topic about my friends.
Школьная жизнь на английском.
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