Advertisements in the USA of Coloneal Period – Американская реклама в колониальный период

Advertising experience of British journalists rapidly covered the territories of British colonies on the American continent during the XVIII century. These colonies were established on the Eastern coast of Northern America in 1608. The main part of the first inhabitants was puritans. They were supported by the advertising campaigns which were held in honor to collect some money for the plantation support. A lot of lotteries were held in Britain during this period of time. Surviving lottery leaflets, which were widely spread that time, are dated approximately 1613-1615.

The editor of the first weekly newspaper was Benjamin Harris. He had an impressive experience of creating and printing advertising texts such as texts which encouraged British people actively participate in colonizing new lands. One of the leading American socialists of mass communication Daniel Brustin wrote “The world had never seen such badly organized advertising campaign with the help of which new citizens

came to America. The leaflets were full of encouraging promises and false facts. Silver and gold, meat and fish, and even youth springs were promised to the colonists. So, America is inhabited by people who deeply believed in advertisements. That was the kind of natural selection”.

The new comers brought the traditions of their native countries. Naturally, the first colonial period of development of American commercials was pretty similar to British traditions. During the 17th century signboards were widely spread, and from 1660 posters were stuck in the streets and squares.

Harris`s attempt to organize a weekly newspaper from 1690 was not a success at all. Press begins to develop from 1704. Since that time advertisements were published there.

But the newspaper advertisements of the end of the 18th century didn`t look expressive at all due to typographical opportunities were limited. All the equipment, fonts and paper were delivered from Britain and were extremely expensive. But newspaper prices couldn`t be increased because the purchasing capacity of the population was law enough.

Advertising texts were printed closely to each other to economize the paper space. It continued up to the beginning of the 19th century. The nation, that has become the world leader in advertising business, wasn`t creatively developed yet.

The man objects of advertising of Colonial


sale and purchase of land, houses, the real estate;the announcements connected with escaped slaves and servants;Messages on arrival and departure of ships.

This complex consisted of 3 main topics occupied 80% of advertising stream, other 20% were occupied by advertising goods and new-published books. The development of the advertising process copied the main features of the gradual development of this kind of art in Britain.

There was a founder of the future blossom of advertisements in America as well as in Europe. Scientists believe that it was Benjamin Franklin, who can be called “a father of the ads”. His Gazette, whish was first published in 1729, was widely spread and famous for an enormous amount of advertisements, occupying 90% of the newspaper. The popularity of this periodical is thought to be linked with the creative approach of the editor towards adverts. He inserted images and logos of advertising goods into the text of advertisements. He also added eye-catching headlines so the ads were perceived better.

But these innovations weren`t accepted by his contemporaries. The advertising art was at a low level up to the beginning of the 19th century.

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Advertisements in the USA of Coloneal Period – Американская реклама в колониальный период