A man entered a restaurant and sat at the only open table. As he sat down, he knocked the spoon off the table with his elbow. A nearby waiter reached into his shirt pocket, pulled out a clean spoon, and set it on the table. The diner was impressed, and asked, «Do all the waiters carry spoons in their pockets?»
The waiter replied, «Yes. We had an efficiency expert here that determined that 17.8% of our diners knock the spoon off the table. By carrying clean spoons with us, we save trips to the kitchen.»
The diner ate his meal. As he was paying the waiter, he commented, «Forgive the intrusion, but do you know that you have a string hanging from your fly?» The waiter replied, «Yes, we all do. That same efficiency expert determined that we spend 21.4% of our time washing our hands after using the men’s room. The other end of that string is tied to my penis. When I need to go, I simply pull the string to get my tool out of my pants, go, and then return to work. Having never touched myself, there is no need to wash my hands. Saves a lot of time.»
«Wait a minute,» said the diner, «how do you get your penis back in your pants?» «Well, I don’t know about the other guys, but I use the spoon.»
Мое любимое блюдо на английском.
My best holiday.
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