A beautiful, voluptuous woman goes to a gynecologist. The doctor takes one look at this woman and all his professionalism goes out the window.
Right away he tells her to undress. After she has disrobed he begins to stroke her thigh.
As he does this he says to the woman, «Do you know what I’m doing?»
«Yes,» she says, «you’re checking for any abrasions or dermatolegical abnormalities.»
«That’s right,» says the doctor. He then begins to fondle her breasts.
«Do you know what I’m doing now?» he asks.
«Yes,» says the woman, «you’re checking for any lumps of breast cancer.»
«That’s right,» replies the doctor. He then begins to have sexual intercourse with the woman. He says to her, «Do you know what I’m doing now?»
«Yes,» she says. «You’re getting herpes.»
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A beautiful, voluptuous woman goes to a gynecologist