[what for ] {interrog.} For what reason; why?
I told Mary whatI was going to town for.
What are you running for?
— Often usedalone as a question.
Billy’s mother told him to wear his hat. «Whatfor?» he asked.
Compare: HOW COME.
Choosing a profession.
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- Значение идиомы cut out[cut out ] {v.}, {slang} 1. To stop; quit. All right, now — let’s cut out the talking. He was teasing the dog and Joe told him to cut it out. Compare: BREAK UP. 2. To displace in favor. Tony cut Ed out with Mary. John cut out two or three other men in trying ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы give the go-by[give the go-by] {v. phr.} To pay no attention to a person; avoid. John fell in love with Mary, but she gave him the go-by. Theboy raised his hand to answer the question, but the teacher gave himthe go-by. Compare: THE RUNAROUND....
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- Значение идиомы run ragged[run ragged] {v. phr.} To tire out; make nervous by too much worryor work. Trying to keep up with too many clubs, sports, andactivities in addition to his homework ran Tom ragged. On a rainyday the children sometimes ran Mother ragged. Compare: WEAR OUT....
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Значение идиомы what for