[swallow one’s words] 1. To speak unclearly; fail to put enoughbreath into your words.
Phyllis was hard to understand because sheswallowed her words.
Topic the best friend.
Seven wonders с переводом.
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- Three Words Ben Franklin Crossed out of the Declaration of Independence«Franklin made only a few changes, some of which can be viewed written in his own hand on what Jefferson referred to as the’rough draft’ of the Declaration. (This remarkable document is at the Library of Congress and on its Web site.) The most important of his edits was small but resounding. He crossed out, ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы give to understand[give to understand] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To make a personthink that something is true but not tell him; suggest; hint. Mr. Johnson gave Billy to understand that he would pay him if he helpedhim clean the yard. 2. To make a person understand by telling himvery plainly or boldly. Frank was given to understand ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы blow one’s lines[blow one’s lines] or [fluff one’s lines] {v. phr.}, {informal} To forget the words you are supposed to speak while acting in a play. The noise backstage scared Mary and she blew her lines....
Значение идиомы swallow one’s words