[son of a gun] {n. phr.}, {slang} 1. A bad person; a person notliked.
I don’t like Charley; keep that son of a gun out of here.
Syn.: BAD ACTOR. 2. A mischievous rascal; a lively guy. — Often usedin a joking way.
The farmer said he would catch the son of a gunwho let the cows out of the barn.
Hello Bill, you old son of agun!
Compare: SO AND SO. 3. Something troublesome; a hard job.
Thetest today was a son of a gun.
Used as an exclamation, usually toshow surprise or disappointment.
Son of a gun! I lost my car keys.
Compare: SON OF A BITCH.
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Значение идиомы son of a gun