[skate on thin ice] {v. phr.} To take a chance; risk danger, disapproval or anger.
You’ll be skating on thin ice if you ask Dadto increase your allowance again.
John knew he was skating on thinice, but he could not resist teasing his sister about her boyfriend.
Биография альберта эйнштейна на английском языке краткое.
Диалоги на английском языке с make.
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- Значение идиомы fighting chance[fighting chance] {n. phr.} A chance that necessitates struggle andcourage; a slim chance. The doctor told the family that Jack had afighting chance to recover. Our business lost a lot of money, butwe have a fighting chance to stage a comeback....
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- Значение идиомы work off[work off] {v.} To make go away, especially by working. John worked off the fat around his waist by doing exercise everymorning. Mr. Smith worked off his anger by chopping wood....
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- Anti-drugs Campaign — Антинаркотическая кампанияWorld’s drug problem is growing. The highest increase in drug use is among teenagers. How can they be convinced to stop? Last year, the number of teenagers who had tried drugs was 6 % in Greece, 15 % in France and 30 % in Britain. Statistics show that drug use by teenagers has doubled since ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы tut-tut[tut-tut] {interj.}, {informal} Used to express mild disapproval. «Tut-tut,» said the teacher. «You shouldn’t cross the street withoutlooking.» Tut-tut, put that piece of candy back. You’ve alreadyhad three pieces....
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- Перевод идиомы at risk, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: at risk Перевод: в опасности, рисковать Пример: The children were at risk of getting sick when the disease spread in the school. Дети рисковали заболеть, когда болезнь распространилась по школе....
Значение идиомы skate on thin ice