[set the pace] {v. phr.} To decide on a rate of speed of travel orrules that are followed by others.
The scoutmaster set the pace sothat the shorter boys would not get tired trying to keep up.
Louise set the pace in selling tickets for the school play.
-[pace-setter] {n.}
John is the pace-setter of the class.
-[pace-setting] {adj.}
Bob’s time in the cross-country race waspace-setting.
The country is growing at a pace-setting rate.
Traditions of english speaking countries holidays in the usa перевод.
Топик на английском my family.
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- The Speed of Time by Age0-9 Extremely slow. Even a trip to the store with Mom seems like going to Albania — by covered wagon. Most common phrase: «Is it Christmas yet?» 10-19 Still slow. Scientific evidence seems to show that school clocks actually move backwards just before the bell rings. 20-29 Alternately fast and slow. Weekends seem shorter and ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы set the pace