[run off at the mouth] {v. phr.} To talk too much; be unable tostop talking.
«Shut up, John,» our father cried. «You are alwaysrunning off at the mouth.»
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- Значение идиомы talk over[talk over] {v.} 1. To talk together about; try to agree about ordecide by talking; discuss. Tom talked his plan over with hisfather before he bought the car. The boys settled their argumentby talking it over. 2. To persuade; make agree or willing; talk andchange the mind of. Fred is trying to talk Bill over ... Читать далее...
- Перевод идиомы put one’s foot in one’s mouth / put one’s put in it, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: put one’s foot in one’s mouth / put one’s put in it Перевод: сказать что-либо не к месту; сказать оплошность, глупость, грубость, бестактность, и т. п. Пример: I put my foot in my mouth and said that I did not like fish just before my friend served me fish for dinner. Я не к ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы boil over[boil over] {v. phr.} 1. To rise due to boiling and overflow down the sides of a pan or a pot. «Watch out!» Jane cried. «The milk is boiling over on the stove!» 2. To become enraged to the point of being unable to contain oneself. John took a lot of abuse from his boss, ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы run off at the mouth