[port of entry] {n. phr.} 1. A port where things brought into thecountry to sell may pass through customs.
Other ports of entry havebeen taking business from New York.
2. A port where a citizen ofanother country may legally enter a country; a port having passportand immigration facilities.
Airports have joined seaports as portsof entry for the visiting foreigner.
Shopping has common elements wherever.
Why is ecotourism popular nowadays.
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- Значение идиомы hard sell[hard sell] {n.}, {informal} A kind of salesmanship characterizedby great vigor, aggressive persuasion, and great eagerness on the partof the person selling something; opposed to «soft sell». Your hardsell turns off a lot of people; try the soft sell for a change, won’tyou?...
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- Значение идиомы pass away[pass away] {v.} 1. To slip by; go by; pass. We had so much funthat the weekend passed away before we realized it. Forty yearshad passed away since they had met. 2. To cease to exist; end;disappear; vanish When automobiles became popular, the use of thehorse and buggy passed away. 3. To have your life ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы fence-sitting[fence-sitting] {n.} or {adj.} Choosing neither side. You havebeen fence-sitting for too long. It is time you made up your mind. Contrast: MAKE UP ONE’S MIND, TAKE SIDES....
- Значение идиомы bring out[bring out] {v.} 1. To cause to appear; make clear. His report brought out the foolishness of the plan. Brushing will bring out the beauty of your hair. 2. To help grow or develop. The teacher’s coaching brought out a wonderful singing voice of great power and warmth. 3. To offer to the public by ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы bring up[bring up] {v.} 1. To take care of ; raise, train, educate. He gave much attention and thought to bringing up his children. Joe was born in Texas but brought up in Oklahoma. 2. {informal} To stop; halt. — Usually used with «short». He brought the car up short when the light changed to red. ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы bring up the rear[bring up the rear] {v. phr.} 1. To come last in a march, parade, or procession; end a line. The fire truck with Santa on it brought up the rear of the Christmas parade. The governor and his staff brought up the rear of the parade. 2. {informal} To do least well; do the most ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы turn over[turn over] {v.} 1. To roll, tip, or turn from one side to theother; overturn; upset. He’s going to turn over the page. Thebike hit a rock and turned over. 2, To think about carefully; toconsider. He turned the problem over in his mind for three daysbefore he did anything about it. 3. To give ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы port of entry