[knock out] {v. phr.} To make helpless, unworkable, or unusable.
The champion knocked out the challenger in the third round.
Thesoldier knocked out two enemy tanks with his bazooka.
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- Knock offФразовый глагол / Phrasal verb Knock*off* (162) — 1) уничтожить что-л./кого-л., убить, прикончить, сбить, подбить; а) в страдательном залоге — быть убитым, уничтоженным; And all I wanted to do was find me a pickpocket. Plus a couple of guys who had tried To knock Me Off. И все, (что) я хотел сделать, было – разыскать ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы set back on one’s heels[set back on one’s heels] or [knock back on one’s heels] {v. phr.},{informal} To give an unpleasant surprise; upset suddenly; stop orturn back progress. Jack brags too much and it set himback on his heels when the coach told him he wasn’t as good a playeras he thought he was. Jean was doing very well ... Читать далее...
- Knock downФразовый глагол / Phrasal verb Knock*down* (164) — 1) сбить с ног; а) в страдательном залоге – быть сбитым с ног; Hiram stared at me. I must have been a sight. He’D worked me over good and he’D mussed me up a lot And still I’D knocked Him Down and was standing on my feet. ... Читать далее...
- Knock outФразовый глагол / Phrasal verb Knock*out* (146) — 1) оглушить, нокаутировать, «вырубить»: Int. Diva’s suite. / Concert hall.: Leeloo Knocks out The last Mangalore just as the Diva finishes her song to a burst of applause. The Diva takes a bow. So does Leeloo. («Пятый элемент») Интерьер: Апартаменты Дивы / Концертный зал: Лилу Вырубает последнего ... Читать далее...
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- Fuel tanks jettisoned by U. S. fighter jets during Vietnam were repurposed into canoesFighter jets will jettison their external fuel tanks when they are dry or if they engage in air-to-air combat. Vietnamese farmers turned the fuel tanks jettisoned by U. S. fighter jets during Vietnam into makeshift boats. During the Vietnam War, U. S. fighter jets constantly screamed across the countryside. They were typically loaded with an ... Читать далее...
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- Перевод слова championChampion — чемпион, победитель; поборник, борец Перевод слова Olympic champion — олимпийский чемпион champion of liberty — борец за свободу nonpareil champion — непревзойденный чемпион He projected himself as a Champion of the poor. Он называл себя защитником бедняков. She is a lawyer who Champions children’s rights. Она юрист, который отстаивает права детей. An outsider ... Читать далее...
- Перевод слова enemyEnemy — враг Перевод слова To be sworn enemies — быть заклятыми врагами he is an enemy of our cause — он враг нашего дела he is no enemy to wine — шутл. он не прочь выпить The Enemy showed no mercy. Враги были беспощадны. The Enemy was in full flight. Враг поспешно отступал. They ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы come round[come round] or [come around] {v.} 1. To happen or appear again and again in regular order. And so Saturday night came around again. I will tell him when he comes round again. 2. {informal} To get back health or knowledge of things; get well from sickness or a faint. Someone brought out smelling salts ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы dig in[dig in] {v.}, {informal} 1. To dig ditches for protection against an enemy attack. The soldiers dug in and waited for the enemy to come. 2a. To go seriously to work; work hard. John dug in and finished his homework very quickly. 2b. To begin eating. Mother set the food on the table and told ... Читать далее...
- Перевод слова roundRound — круглый, сферический, пухлый; раунд, тур Перевод слова As round as a ball — круглый как шар the round world — земной шар round cheeks — пухлые щеки second round — второй тур She works all year Round. Она работает круглый год. The wheel turns Round. Колесо вращается. The men closed Round him. Люди ... Читать далее...
- Перевод идиомы get the wind knocked out of someone, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: get the wind knocked out of someone Перевод: попасть в состояние, когда перехватывает дыхание от удара в область живота Пример: He was standing out on the football field when his opponent tackled him and knocked the wind out of him. Он стоял на футбольном поле, когда его противник выхватил у него мяч, ударив его, ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы shoot up[shoot up] {v.} 1. To grow quickly. Billy had always been asmall boy, but when he was thirteen years old he began to shoot up. 2. To arise suddenly. As we watched, flames shot up from the roofof the barn. 3. {informal} To shoot or shoot at recklessly; shoot andhurt badly. The cowboys got drunk ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы square peg in a round hole[square peg in a round hole] {n.}, {informal} A person who does notfit into a job or position; someone who does not belong where he is. Arthur is a square peg in a round hole when he is playing ball. George likes to work with his hands. When it comes to books, he’s asquare peg ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы round off[round off] {v.} 1. To make round or curved. John decided toround off the corners of the table he was making so that no one wouldbe hurt by bumping them. 2. To change to the nearest whole number. The teacher said to round off the averages. 3. To end in asatisfactory way; put a finishing ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы knock out