[keep up appearances] {v. phr.} To maintain an outward show ofprosperity in spite of financial problems.
Mr. Smith’s widow had ahard time keeping up appearances after her husband’s death.
Топик the global problems in the world.
Биография христофора колумба с переводом на английский и русский.
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- UN Peace-keeping ForcesТопик Миротворческие силы ООН рассказывает о деятельности Организации Объединенных Наций, направленной на создание условий для установления прочного мира в странах, переживающих тот или иной конфликт. Миротворческая деятельность является одним из инструментов ООН по поддержанию международного мира и безопасности. Peace-keeping is one of the ways the UN help to maintain international peace and security. In the ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы drop in[drop in] {v.} To make a short or unplanned visit; pay a call. — Often used with «on». We were just sitting down to dinner when Uncle Willie dropped in. The Smiths dropped in on some old friends on their vacation trip to New York. Syn.: DROP BY, RUN IN....
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- Значение идиомы hard-fisted[hard-fisted] {adj.} 1. Able to do hard physical labor; strong. Jack’s uncle was a hard-fisted truck driver with muscles of steel. 2. Not gentle or easy-going; tough; stern. The new teacher was ahard-fisted woman who would allow no nonsense. 3. Stingy or mean; notgenerous with money. The hard-fisted banker refused to lend Mr. Jones more ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы a number[a number] {n.} A rather large number; numbers. — Used when there are more than several and fewer than many. The parents were invited to see the program, and a number came. We knew the Smiths rat tier well; we had visited them a number of times. — Used like an adjective before «less», «more». ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы keep up appearances