[go to pot] {v. phr.}, {informal} To be ruined; become bad; bedestroyed.
Mr. Jones’ health has gone to pot.
The motelbusiness went to pot when the new highway was built.
Упражнения на часы и время на английском.
Topic about medicine.
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- Значение идиомы talk into[talk into] {v.} 1. To get to agree to; make decide on by talking; persuade to. — Used with averbal noun. Bob talked us into walking home with him. Compare:TALK OVER. Contrast TALK OUT OF. 2. To cause to be in or to getinto by talking. You talked us into this mess. Now get us ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы chain-smoke[chain-smoke] {v.} To smoke cigarettes or cigars one after another without stopping. Mr. Jones is very nervous. He chain-smokes cigars. [chain smoker] {n.} Mr. Jones is a chain smoker. [chain-smoking] {adj.} or {n.} Chain-smoking is very dangerous to health....
- Значение идиомы do for[do for] {v.}, {informal} To cause the death or ruin of; cause to fail. — Used usually in the passive form «done for». The poor fellow is done for and will die before morning. Andy’s employer always does very well by him. If Jim fails that test, he is done for....
- Значение идиомы give way[give way] {v.} 1. To go back; retreat. The enemy army is givingway before the cannon fire. Compare: FALL BACK. 2. To make room, getout of the way. The children gave way and let their mother throughthe door. Compare: MAKE WAY. 3. To lose control of yourself; loseyour courage or hope; yield. Mrs. Jones didn’t ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы below the belt[below the belt] {adv. phr.} 1. In the stomach; lower than is legal in boxing. He struck the other boy below the belt. 2. {informal} In an unfair or cowardly way; against the rules of sportsmanship or justice; unsportingly; wrongly. It was hitting below the belt for Mr. Jones’s rival to tell people about a ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы the ropes[the ropes] {n. plural}, {informal} Thorough or special knowledgeof a job; how to do something; the ways of people or the world. Ona newspaper a cub reporter learns his job from an older reporter whoknows the ropes. When you go to a new school it takes a while tolearn the ropes. Betty showed Jane the ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы drive to the wall[drive to the wall] {v. phr.} To defeat someone completely; to ruin someone. Poor Uncle Jack was driven to the wall by his angry creditors when his business failed. Compare: GO TO THE WALL....
- Значение идиомы go up in smoke[go up in smoke] or [go up in flames] {v. phr.} To burn; bedestroyed by fire. 1. The house went up in flames. The barnfull of hay went up in smoke. 2. Disappear; fail; not come true. Jane’s hopes of going to college went up in smoke when her fatherlost his job. The team’s chances ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы I’ll tell you what[I’ll tell you what] or [tell you what] {informal} Here is an idea. The hamburger stand is closed, but I’ll tell you what, let’s go tomy house and cook some hot dogs....
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- Значение идиомы out of[out of] {prep.} 1a. From the inside to the outside of. Johntook the apple out of the bag. Get out of the car! The teacherhas gone out of town. 1b. In a place away from. No, you can’t seeMr. Jones; he is out of the office today. Our house is ten milesout of town. 2. ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы take it easy[take it easy] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. or [go easy] or [takethings easy] To go or act slowly, carefully, and gently. — Often usedwith «on». Take it easy. The roads are icy. «Go easy,» saidBilly to the other boys carrying the table down the stairs. «Takeit easy on John and don’t scold him too much,» ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы go to pot