[fork over] or [fork out] also [fork up] {v.} To pay; pay out.
He had to fork over fifty dollars to have the car repaired.
Compare:HAND OVER.
The word libraries comes from the.
Means of communication топик.
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- Значение идиомы out of hand[out of hand] {adv. phr.} 1. Out of control. Bobby’s birthdayparty got out of hand and the children were naughty. Small puppiesoften get out of hand. 2. Suddenly, quickly without examination ofpossible truth or merit; without any consideration. — Often used after»dismiss» or «reject». The senator rejected out of hand thecritics’ call for his resignation. ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы at hand[at hand] also [at close hand] or [near at hand] {adv. phr.} 1. Easy to reach; nearby. When he writes, he always keeps a dictionary at hand. 2. {formal} Coming soon; almost here. Examinations are past and Commencement Day is at hand....
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- Значение идиомы from hand to hand[from hand to hand] {adv. phr.} From one person to another andanother. The box of candy was passed from hand to hand. Janebrought her engagement ring, and it passed from hand to hand until allthe girls had admired it....
- At a dinner party, one of the guestsAt a dinner party, one of the guests, an obnoxiously loud young man, tried to make clever remarks about everyone and everything. When he was served a piece of meat, he picked it up with his fork, held it up and smirked: ‘Is this pig?’ Another guest, sitting opposite, asked quietly: ‘Which end of the ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы son of a bitch[son of a bitch] or [sunuvabitch] also S. O. B. {n. phr.}, {vulgar},{avoidable} . Fellow, character, guy, individual. Negatively: Get out of here you filthy, miserablesunuvabitch! Positively: So you won ten million dollars at thelottery, you lucky son of a bitch! Compare: SON OF AGUN....
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- Значение идиомы on one hand[on one hand] {adv. phr.} Looking at a thing in one of two possibleways; from one point of view. — Usually used with «on the other hand». John wants to be a printer or a teacher; on one hand, printing paysbetter; on the other hand, schools need good teachers....
- Значение идиомы ask for the moon[ask for the moon] or [cry for the moon] {v. phr.} To want something that you cannot reach or have; try for the impossible. John asked his mother for a hundred dollars today. He’s always asking for the moon. Compare: PROMISE THE MOON....
- Значение идиомы give out[give out] {v.} 1. To make known; let it be known; publish. Marygave out that she and Bob were going to be married. 2. To let escape;give. The cowboy gave out a yell. Syn.: GIVE OFF, LET GO. 3. togive to people; distribute. The barber gives out free lollipops toall the children. Compare: HAND OUT, ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы over a barrel[over a barrel] also [over the barrel] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Inthe power of your enemies; not able to do anything about what happensto you; in a helpless condition; trapped. Bill had Tom over abarrel because Tom owed him money. Ralph has me over a barrel; Ineed five dollars, and he won’t lend it to me ... Читать далее...
- Перевод идиомы (to be) hand in hand, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: (to be) hand in hand Перевод: держаться за руки Пример: I walked to the movie hand in hand with my girlfriend. Я пошел в кино, держась за руку со своей девушкой....
Значение идиомы fork over