[come up] {v.} 1. To become a subject for discussion or decision to talk about or decide about.
«He was a good salesman, and price never came up until the very last,» Mary said.
The question of wage increases came up at the board meeting.
Mayor Jones comes up for reelection this fall.
2. To be equal; match in value. — Used with «to».
The new model car comes up to last year’s.
3. To approach; come close.
We saw a big black bear coming up on us from the woods.
Christmas is coming up soon.
The team was out practicing for the big game coming up.
4. To provide; supply; furnish. — Used with «with».
For years Jones kept coming up with new and good ideas.
The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Ted came up with a good answer.
Кристофор колумб на английском.
My profession is designer.
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