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Значение идиомы carry off the palm
[carry off the palm] or [bear off the palm] {v. phr.}, {literary} To gain the victory; win.
John carried off the palm in the tennis championship match.
Our army bore off the palm in the battle.
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- Значение идиомы pair off[pair off] {v.} 1. To make a pair of; put two together; associate;match. Mrs. Smith paired off her guests by age and tastes. 2. Tobelong to a pair; become one of a pair. Jane paired off with Alicein a tennis doubles match. 3. To divide or join into pairs. Laterin the day the picnic crowd […]...
- Carry outФразовый глагол / Phrasal verb Carry*out* (168) – выполнять, осуществлять (план, приказ, обещание и т. п.) My job was to carry out orders. Моя работа состояла в том/(была), (чтобы) выполнять приказы. You may carry out the sentence. Вы можете исполнять приговор. No one was threatening her. She was free to carry out her plans. Никто […]...