[be on the outs with] {v. phr.} To not be on speaking terms with someone; be in disagreement with someone.
Jane and Tom have been on the outs with one another since Tom started to date another woman.
Clothes топик с переводом.
Тема по английскому день города.
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- Значение идиомы come to terms[come to terms] {v. phr.} To reach an agreement. Management and the labor union came to terms about a new arrangement and a strike was prevented....
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- Doing Basic ExercisesJane: I’ve just had the best Workout at the Gym! Arnold: You don’t need to go to a gym To exercise. I exercise right here in my apartment. Jane: Oh, yeah? What can you do in this small space? Arnold: Nearly everything I need to do. Before I do my Calisthenics, I Stretch. And every ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы at odds[at odds] {adj. phr.} In conflict or disagreement; opposed. The boy and girl were married a week after they met and soon found themselves at odds about religion. Compare: AT LOGGERHEADS....
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- Значение идиомы branch out[branch out] {v.} To add new interests or activities; begin doing other things also. First Jane collected stamps; then she branched out and collected coins, too. John started a television repair shop; when he did well, he branched out and began selling television sets too....
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- Значение идиомы out of date[out of date] {adj. phr.} Old fashioned; superseded; no longervalid; too old to be used. Father’s suit is out of date; he needs anew one. The news magazines in the doctor’s office were all out ofdate....
- Значение идиомы eat one out of house and home[eat one out of house and home] {v. phr.} 1. To eat so much as tocause economic hardship. Our teenaged sons are so hungry all thetime that they may soon eat us out of house and home. 2. To overstayone’s welcome. We love Bob and Jane very much, but after two weekswe started to feel ... Читать далее...
- Перевод слова dateDate — дата; свидание Перевод слова Delivery date — дата поставки the date of youth — юные годы, пора молодости date of birth — дата рождения to make a date with smb. — назначить свидание с кем-л. Is he still Dating Sarah? Он по прежнему встречается с Сарой? She has a hot Date with Michel. ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы foundation garment[foundation garment] {n.} A close-fitting garment designed forwomen to wear underneath their clothes to make them look slim; a pieceof woman’s underwear. Jane wears a foundation garment under herevening dress....
- Значение идиомы chicken-brained[chicken-brained] {adj.} Stupid; narrow-minded; unimaginative. I can’t understand how a bright woman like Helen can date such a chicken-brained guy as Oliver....
- Значение идиомы hard sledding[hard sledding] or [rough sledding] or [tough sledding] {n.},{informal} Difficulty in succeeding or making progress. Jane hadhard sledding in her math course because she was poorly prepared. When Mr. Smith started his new business, he had tough sledding for awhile but things got better....
- Значение идиомы start in[start in] {v.}, {informal} 1. To begin to do something; start. Fred started in weeding the garden. The family started in eatingsupper. Compare: GO AT. 2. To begin a career. Bob started in as anoffice boy and became president. 3. To give a first job to. Thebank started him in as a clerk....
Значение идиомы be on the outs with