[back to the wall] or [back against the wall] {adv. phr.} In a trap, with no way to escape; in bad trouble.
The soldiers had their backs to the wall.
He was in debt and could not get any help; his back was against the wall.
The team had their backs to the wall in the second half.
Хорошо ли быть знаменитым на английском.
Out of the question идиома.
Related topics:
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- Значение идиомы in a bind[in a bind] or [in a box] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Likely to havetrouble whether you do one thing or another. Sam is in a bindbecause if he carries home his aunt’s groceries, his teacher will beangry because he is late, and if he doesn’t, his aunt will complain. Compare: BETWEEN THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы go to the devil[go to the devil] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To go away, mind yourown business. — Used as a command; considered rude. George told Bobto go to the devil. «Go to the devil!» said Jack, when his sistertried to tell him what to do. 2. To become bad or ruined; becomeuseless. The boy got mixed up ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы borrow trouble[borrow trouble] {v. phr.} To worry for nothing about trouble that may not come; make trouble for yourself needlessly. Don’t borrow trouble by worrying about next year. It’s too far away. You are borrowing trouble if you try to tell John what to do. Compare: ASK FOR, CROSS ONE’S BRIDGES BEFORE ONE COMES TO THEM, ... Читать далее...
- Перевод сленгового выражения hole in the wall, значение и пример использованияСленговое выражение: hole in the wall Перевод: маленькое, небольшое местечко (особенно часто употребляется по отношению к магазину, кафе, ресторану) Пример: Let’s go to the Italian restaurant on Smith Street. It’s just a hole in the wall, but the food is excellent. Пойдем в итальянский ресторан на Смит Стрит. Это маленькое местечко, но еда там превосходна....
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- Значение идиомы in deep[in deep] {adj. phr.} Seriously mixed up in something, especiallytrouble. George began borrowing small sums of money to bet onhorses, and before he knew it he was in deep. Compare: DEEP WATER, UPTO THE CHIN IN....
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- Значение идиомы devil-may-care[devil-may-care] {adj.} Not caring what happens; unworried. Johnny has a devil-may-care feeling about his school work. Alfred was a devil-may-care youth but became more serious as he grew older....
- Значение идиомы up a tree[up a tree] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Hunted or chased into a tree;treed. The dog drove the coon up a tree so the hunter could shoothim. 2. {informal} in trouble; having problems; in a difficulty thatit is hard to escape or think of a way out of. John’s father hashim up a tree in ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы go to the trouble[go to the trouble] or [take the trouble] {v. phr.} To make troubleor extra work for yourself; bother. John told Mr. Brown not to goto the trouble of driving him home. Since your aunt took thetrouble to get you a nice birthday present, the least you can do is tothank her. Compare: PUT OUT....
- Значение идиомы half-and-half[half-and-half ] {adj.} As much one thing as the other. Weasked the coach if more boys than girls were interested in debating, and he said it was about half-and-half. The show last night wasneither very good nor very poor — just half-and-half. Compare:FIFTY-FIFTY....
Значение идиомы back to the wall