Virtual Reality
Топик Виртуальная реальность познакомит с этой технологией, напоминающей авиасимуляторы, применяемые при обучении пилотов. Технология виртуальной реальности еще только развивается и у нее большое будущее. В настоящее время она уже применяется в медицине, используется для тренинга полицейских и даже в некоторых школах.
Not long ago computers were considered an amazing invention. Today they form part of our everyday life. The latest thing today is Virtual Reality. A Virtual Reality system can transport the user to exotic locations such as a beach in Hawaii or the inside of the human body.
The Virtual Reality system is still in the early stages of its development. At the moment it is necessary to put a large
You can “look behind” computer – generated objects, pick them up and examine them, walk around and see things from a different angle. Already today Virtual Reality is used in medicine. In hospitals, surgeons could plan operations by first “travelling” through the brain, heart or lungs without damaging the body. It is also used in police training schools. In schools pupils could explore the Great Pyramid or study molecules from the inside. Developers of Virtual Reality say its potential is powerful.
The word which comes closest to describing Virtual Reality is “simulator.” Virtual Reality technology resembles the flight simulators that are used to train pilots.





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