Hitomi: What are you Unboxing?
Jason: This is my new Smartphone. It has Every feature under the sun!
Hitomi: Every feature?
Jason: It has a high quality Camera and Video camera, and it’s a Videophone. It has a great GPS program, too. The Touch-screen and the Keyboard are easy to use and everything is so Intuitive. Even a child could use it.
Hitomi: Yeah, but a child couldn’t afford the expensive Price tag, right?
Jason: True enough, but it has a removable SIM card and is Bluetooth compatible. I can even use it as an E-book reader, and download Apps for just about anything I want to do. No child’s toy could do all of those things.
Hitomi: Yes, that’s true, but I have just one question.
Jason: What?
Hitomi: Can you make a telephone call on it?
Jason: A telephone call? You mean a regular phone call? Yes, I Think so.
One of my bad habits that i have.
Мое любимое блюдо на английском.
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Using a Smartphone