Pedestrian Safety

Rueben: I never imagined walking our daughter to school could be so Dangerous. Carla: What happened? Rueben: We were walking on the Sidewalk approaching the Intersection. The Crossing guard was there to stop Traffic

Getting a Cold

Walt: What’s the matter with you? Irene: I have a bad Cold. Walt: Why didn’t you stay home from work? You’re probably Contagious! Irene: I had no choice. I have an important presentation this

Ice Bucket Challenge funds gene discovery in ALS (MND) research

The Ice Bucket Challenge that went viral in 2014 has funded an important scientific gene discovery in the progressive neurodegenerative disease ALS, the ALS Association says. Scientists have identified a new gene contributing to

Business Trends

Today, I’m going to be giving you a brief Overview of the Trends that are likely to affect our Industry in the next 10 years. It’s difficult to Predict the Fads that affect how

Award Show Season

It’s That time of year again. It’s Award show season. No, I’m not talking about the Nobel Prizes. I’m talking about the entertainment awards. This is the time of year when the TV shows

Major Historical Periods

Livy: Tell me again why we’re here on a Saturday afternoon. Nicholas: You’re going to love this Museum. It has Artifacts and Exhibits from all the major periods in history, from Prehistoric days to

Being Tidy and Messy

Carole: It is Beyond me how you and Oscar can be Roommates. You’re very Tidy and he’s, well, a Slob. Felix: It’s not always easy, but we’re Making it work. Carole: Isn’t Oscar really

Fuel tanks jettisoned by U. S. fighter jets during Vietnam were repurposed into canoes

Fighter jets will jettison their external fuel tanks when they are dry or if they engage in air-to-air combat. Vietnamese farmers turned the fuel tanks jettisoned by U. S. fighter jets during Vietnam into

Adopting a Child

Scott: Hi, I thought I’d stop by to pick up those chairs I wanted to borrow. Roberta: Oh, sure. Here they are. Scott: What are you doing? Roberta: I’m looking through the material we

Types of Car and Vehicles

Robert: Hi, I’m Robert. What are you In the market for today? Mary: I want to buy a new car, but I’m not sure what I want. Robert: Well, you’ve come to the right
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