Passing Through Airport Security

Roland: Why are you so nervous about flying? Natalie: I’m not nervous about being in the air. It’s going through Security. I hear it’s a Hassle and I don’t want to end up being

Finding a Niche in Business

Hello, business students. I’m here today At your professor’s request to talk to you about the importance of finding your own Niche in business. Conventional wisdom says that people in business need To diversify

Getting Home Late from School

Dad: Where have you been? Do you know what time it is? Caitlin: I’m sorry, Dad. I Lost track of time. Dad: Lost track of time? We’ve been Worried sick about you. You were

A Visit to the Doctor

Going to the doctor is never Particularly pleasant for me. But I couldn’t Put it off Any longer. It was time for my Annual physical, and there was no Getting around it. So I

Learning Self-Defense

Teacher: Welcome, everybody, to this Self-defense class. Today, you’ll learn how To size up a situation and how to tell the difference between a Harmless situation and a Threatening one. You’ll also begin to

Dealing With Foot Problems

Walt: What are you doing? Francesca: I’m selecting and organizing my photos for a Presentation. Walt: Oh, can I see? All of these photos are of feet! Francesca: Well, I am a Podiatrist and

Eating a Home-Cooked Meal

Louise: What’s the matter with you? Gil: I just got off the phone with my mom and she says they’re planning a welcome-home party for me next week – at a restaurant! Louise: What’s

Listening to Shock Jocks

I like listening to the radio on my morning Commute each day. This morning, though, my favorite DJs weren’t On the air. ………… Howard: Do you know what happened to the Kelvin and Ben

Arriving for an Appointment

I arrived a little early for my sales appointment with the Office manager of Lyon Industries, and spoke to the Receptionist. Juri: Hello. I’m here for my 11:30 appointment with Sue Gibbons. Receptionist: What

Asking for Recommendations

Hotel Clerk: Can I help you with something? Victor: Yes, I was hoping you could recommend a restaurant nearby. Clerk: What kind of food would you like? Victor: I’m not Picky. I’m looking for
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