Ending Excessive Spending

Raphael: Sorry to be a Buzzkill, but this Gravy train we’ve been on is about to end. Kelly: What do you mean? Raphael: There have been a lot of complaints about our department’s Spending

Going to Business School

Karla: I just heard that you’re taking a Leave of absence to go to business school. Is that right? Joaquin: Yeah, I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, and have finally Taken

Man buys $27 of bitcoin, forgets about them, finds they’re now worth $886k

Bought in 2009, currency’s rise in value saw small investment turn into enough to buy an apartment in a wealthy area of Oslo The meteoric rise in bitcoin has meant that within the space

Farming and Agribusiness

Brad: Is this your first visit to this area? Irene: It is and I’m surprised to see so many farms. I thought farming was a Dying industry. Brad: Family farms and Small-scale farming are

Taking Chances in Business

I’ve always been a pretty Cautious investor. I like my investments to be Conservative and I usually invest only in Sure things. Recently, though, I’ve been Tempted to take more Risk. My friend, Bernie,

Going on a Diet

Decima: My Scale at home can’t be right. I Weighed myself this morning and I’ve Gained another five pounds since last month! Sebastian: You’re not the only one. My pants are feeling tight and

Dealing with Unhappy Employees

Asa: I don’t know how we Got stuck with reviewing employee Complaints. This has got to be the worst job ever! Samantha: This is important work and somebody has to do it. Come on,

Hotel Reservations

I just finished a huge project at work and I needed some Down time. I decided to take a short vacation. I liked the idea of a long weekend out of town. My friend

Police salvage blind Trish Vickers’ inkless novel pages

Trish Vicars who wrote 26 pages of her book before realising her pen had ran out of ink. When blind writer Trish Vickers failed to notice her pen had run out of ink Dorset

Asking for Time Off

Johnny: I just found out that the manager is letting Neal Take Friday off. I asked him two days ago for Friday off and he Turned me down! Francesca: Neal’s wife is pregnant, so
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