Reducing Household Expenses
Roland: If we want to save enough money to buy a house, we need to get serious about our Finances and do some Financial planning. I think the first step is to create a Household budget.
Ginger: Okay by me. You know that I’m All about the Bottom line.
Roland: Yeah, right. I think we have a pretty good idea of our Spending patterns, so it shouldn’t be too hard to come up with a budget that we can both live with.
Ginger: Right.
Roland: Okay, one thing we need to keep in mind is that we tend to Underestimate our monthly Expenses. If you look at our Discretionary spending on this Spreadsheet I created, you’ll be surprised at how much money we spend on Nonessentials.
Ginger: Okay, I can cut back on nonessentials.
Roland: You can?
Ginger: Sure, instead of getting my nails done every week, I’ll get them done only three times a month.
Roland: Well, that’s a start…
Ginger: And instead of buying a new 60-inch TV, we can get a 52-inch one instead. That should save us a lot of money.
Roland: I think you need To do the math. If we don’t Cut back much more Drastically, we’ll be ready for Retirement by the time we can Afford a house!
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