Preparing for a New Baby
Wanda: Oh hi, I wasn’t expecting you today.
Enrique: We’ve been cleaning out our garage and your sister said I should come by with a few things for your baby.
Wanda: That’s really sweet of you guys, but I’m not Due for another six months.
Enrique: But you’ll need these things to get the baby’s room ready, right?
Wanda: Well, we don’t actually have a baby room set up yet.
Enrique: There’s No time like the present. Here’s a Crib and the Mattress. It just needs to be Assembled. Oh, here are some Bumper pads that go with it.
Wanda: Great.
Enrique: Here’s a Changing table.
Wanda: Wow, that’s really big.
Enrique: Here are two Car seats, one for Infants and one for Toddlers, and here’s a Booster seat.
Wanda: That’s a lot of stuff. Are you sure you want To part with all this?
Enrique: Positive. Here’s a basic Baby monitor and a Video monitor so you can Keep tabs on the little one.
Wanda: Whoa, what’s in all these bags?
Enrique: They’re baby and kids clothes. You’ll need more than you think.
Wanda: That’s really generous of both of you, but are you sure you want to give it all to me?
Enrique: Of course, you’re family and this will help you save a lot of money.
Wanda: And it’ll Free up garage space for your new Workshop?
Enrique: Well, why not Kill two birds with one stone?
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