Weather — погода Перевод слова
Flight weather briefing — предполетный инструктаж по метеообстановке
brutal weather — отвратительная погода
weather bureau — бюро погоды
What lousy Weather!
Что за мерзкая погода!
I like cold Weather.
Мне нравится холодная погода.
I detest hot Weather.
Я терпеть не могу жару.
Doing sport and keeping fit ответы.
Достопримечательности красноярска на английском языке с переводом.
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- Погода/ WeatherНа английском языке Перевод на русский язык Weather Погода Weather is something we can talk about every day. In the place where I live it’s very changeable, so people always inquire what it is going to be like tomorrow. My city is situated in southern part of Russia and we have four seasons here: winter, ... Читать далее...
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- «Погода» (The Weather)Every season is wonderful in its own way. In spring the air is refreshing, the trees are in blossom, the ground is covered with the first tender flowers. The birds start singing heavenly songs. In summer it can be really dry and sultry, there are thunders and lightnings during the heavy showers. People go sunbathing, ... Читать далее...
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- About the weather — О погодеDialogue about the weather (Диалог о погоде) — Hey, guys, we’ re lucky today. The weather is fine. It’s ideal for our picnic. — Yes, Mark. The sky is clear today and the breeze is so gentle. What could be better! Let’s sit on the blanket and eat our sandwiches and fruit. — Is it ... Читать далее...
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- The Weather in England — Погода в Англии (1)The English say «Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather*. It happens because the weather changes more often than in other countries. British winters are mild and springs are cool because of the winds that blow from the Atlantic Ocean. They blow 2 days out of every 3. In spring sunshine and ... Читать далее...
- Dialogue about the weather (Диалог о погоде)— Hey, guys, we’ re lucky today. The weather is fine. It’s ideal for our picnic. — Yes, Mark. The sky is clear today and the breeze is so gentle. What could be better! Let’s sit on the blanket and eat our sandwiches and fruit. — Is it always like that in this place, Polly? ... Читать далее...
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- Getting In-Flight ServiceI pushed the Call button to get the attention of the Flight attendant. Flight attendant: Yes? What can I do for you? Hal: It’s very cold in the Cabin. Is it possible to get a Blanket? Flight attendant: We’re out of blankets, but here’s a Pillow. Hal: Okay, thanks. I was asleep during the Meal ... Читать далее...
- Погода весной/ Weather In SpringНа английском языке Перевод на русский язык Weather In Spring Погода весной My name is Susie and I’m fourteen years old. Springtime is my favourite season and I’d like to explain why. It’s a long-awaited part of the year for many people, as the nature awakens from its winter sleep. The weather is fine almost ... Читать далее...
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- Погода летом/ Weather In SummerНа английском языке Перевод на русский язык Weather In Summer Погода летом My name is Irina and I’m thirteen years old. I wish to tell you about my beloved season. It’s summer, of course. There are many reasons to love this time of the year, but one of the main arguments is the sunny and ... Читать далее...
- The Weather and Climate Fluctuations‘Funny weather we are having’ is a statment of the obvious wehave used for generations as a greeting. When the deep cold lastslong and heavy snow and blizzards give us the shivers we replace»funny» with something stronger, such as «terrible», «ghastly».At times like these people ask what is happening to the weather. So we go ... Читать далее...
- Перевод слова changeChange — менять, изменять Перевод слова Change of weather — перемена погоды change of scene — перемена обстановки marked change — значительные перемены Can you Change the baby? Ты не мог бы поменять подгузник? The car needs an oil Change. Этот автомобиль нуждается в замене масла. He Changed his name Он изменил свое имя....
- Seasons and Weather — Времена года и погода (2)The year is divided into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. When winter comes, we are to spend more time at home, because it is cold outside. Ponds, lakes, rivers and streams are frozen, and the roads are sometimes covered with slippery ice or deep snow. We may get fog, sleet and frost. The ... Читать далее...
- Перевод слова relationRelation — отношение, связь, зависимость; родственник Перевод слова Relation of forces — соотношение сил the relation between weather and crops — зависимость урожая от погоды he is no relation to me — он мне не родственник What Relation are you to Jessica? Кем ты приходишься Джессике? I am thus particular in the Relation of every ... Читать далее...
- Погода в моем городе/ Weather In My CityНа английском языке Перевод на русский язык Weather In My City Погода в моем городе My city is located on the territory with a temperate climate. In an early autumn it is still enough hot, trees begin to change clothes in yellow, red, claret dresses. Then it’s gradually getting cold, leaves drop out, summer birds ... Читать далее...
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- Перевод слова unlessUnless — если не, разве только Перевод слова Unless the contrary is proved — если не доказано обратное unless otherwise specified — если не задано иное unless otherwise mentioned — если не оговорено иное He won’t go to sleep Unless you tell him a story. Он не ляжет спать, если не рассказать ему сказку. I ... Читать далее...
Перевод слова weather