Russian — русский, русская, русский язык Перевод слова
Russian Federation — Российская Федерация
to put a poem into Russian — перевести стихотворение на русский язык
russian ruble — российский рубль
She likes to read Russian novels.
Она любит читать русские романы.
Find out if he speaks Russian.
Выясните, говорит ли он по-русски.
My grandmother is Russian Orthodox.
Моя бабушка принадлежит к русской православной церкви.
Computers in our life.
Do over перевод идиомы.
Related topics:
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- WANT TO BE AN ASTRONAUT? LEARN HOW TO SPEAK RUSSIANA fire breaks out on the International Space Station while the orbiting complex is over Russian mission control. How, as an English-speaking astronaut, would you keep up with instructions? The answer is years of Russian training. In between time in simulators, jet airplanes and underwater, neophyte astronauts spend hours learning to read Cyrillic characters and ... Читать далее...
- Праздники России (Russian holidays), лексика и слова по темеNew Year’s Day – Новый Год Christmas – Рождество Shrovetide (Maslenitsa) – Масленица Palm Sunday – Вербное воскресенье Easter – Пасха Russia Day – День России International Women’s Day – Международный Женский День Apple Spas – Яблочный Спас Spring and Labour Day – День Весны и Труда Victory Day – День Победы Defender of the ... Читать далее...
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- «Праздники России» (Russian holidays)Like the whole world, Russian people love celebrating their holidays. Celebrations in Russia reflect many aspects of its history, culture and traditions. Some Russian festivities are official public holidays and government offices, schools and banks have their days off. These are New Year (January, 1st – 5th), Orthodox Christmas (January, 7th), Defender of the Motherland ... Читать далее...
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- Education in Moscow — Образование в МосквеMoscow has about 75 institutes of higher education. Two of them are universities — Moscow State University and the Russian University of People’s Friendship. The others are specialised institutes that train students in specific fields, such as engineering or medicine. Moscow State University ranks as the largest university in Russia. Established in 1755, it has ... Читать далее...
- Russian scientists — Российские ученыеRussia’s contribution to the world’s science can hardly be overestimated. People all over the world know the names of Russian scientists, Nobel prize winners and authors of important discoveries and inventions. Russia’s first world-famed scientist was Mikhail Lomonosov (1711-1765). Eager to get an education, he left his home village Kholmogory and walked to Moscow on ... Читать далее...
- Russian Cuisine — Русская кухняTo my mind, delicious food is one of the greatest pleasures in our life. I’ve been living in St. Petersburg since my birth and can tell you many interesting things about its restaurants of Italian, French, Chinese, Japanese and Indian cuisine. However, first of all I’d like to share some secrets of typical Russian cuisine ... Читать далее...
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- Перевод слова likeLike — любить, предпочитать; желать; подобный, похожий, как Перевод слова How do you like it? — как вам это нравится? I will come if you like — если хотите, я приду I would like — я хотел бы, мне бы хотелось men of like disposition — люди со сходными характерами it was just like you ... Читать далее...
- Art In Moscow — Искусство в МосквеMoscow has long been a centre of Russian and world culture. The Bolshoi Theatre presents operas and ballets. The Bolshoi Ballet has become internationally known and admired. Dancers from all over the country are trained at the Bolshoi Theatres school. The Moscow State Symphony and other orchestras perform at the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall in Moscow. ... Читать далее...
- Cultural Life in Moscow Arts Museums and Libraries — Культурная жизнь в искусстве Москвы Музеи и библиотекиMoscow has long been a centre of Russian and world culture. The Bolshoi Theatre presents operas and ballets. The Bolshoi Ballet has become internationally known and admired. Dancers from all over the country are trained at the Bolshoi Theatres school. The Moscow State Symphony and other orchestras perform at the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall in Moscow. ... Читать далее...
- Фразовый глагол get across — перевод и значение, пример использованияФразовый глагол: get across Перевод: четко изложить Пример: It’s difficult to get humor across in another language. Трудно четко перевести шутку на другой язык....
- Russian traditionsВ топике Русские традиции проводится сравнение традиций, присущих британцам и русским. Главное, что выделяет русских людей – их открытые сердца и гостеприимство, их золотые руки и трудолюбие, их терпеливость и вера в лучшее. Россия открыла миру тысячи имен всемирно известных поэтов, писателей, композиторов и ученых. Наша страна славится традиционными русскими ремеслами: палехскими шкатулками, красочными платками ... Читать далее...
- Перевод слова productiveProductive — продуктивный, производственный, плодовитый Перевод слова Productive relations — производственные отношения productive influence — благотворное влияние productive imagination — творческая фантазия I am most Productive in the morning. Наиболее эффективно я работаю утром. Love is not always Productive of felicity. Любовь не всегда приносит блаженство. How can we shunt the talks onto more Productive ... Читать далее...
Перевод слова Russian