Quarter — четверть, квартал Перевод слова
To draw and quarter — четвертовать, сурово наказать
a quarter of an apple — четверть яблока
a quarter past one — четверть второго
several quarter s’ rent — квартплата за несколько кварталов
The clock struck the Quarter.
Часы пробили четверть.
It’s a Quarter of seven (=6.45).
Без четверти семь.
His allowance was a Quarter a week.
Его недельное содержание составляло 25 центов.
Youth problems топик.
Topic air pollution.
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- Значение идиомы polish the apple[polish the apple] {v. phr.}, {slang} To try to make someone likeyou; to try to win favor by flattery. Mary polished the apple atwork because she wanted a day off. Susan is the teacher’s petbecause she always polishes the apple. — [apple polisher] {n.},{slang} A person who is nice to the one in charge in ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы put back the clock[put back the clock] or [turn back the clock] {v. phr.} To go backin time; relive the past. If I could put back the clock I’d givemore thought to preparing for a career. Richard wishes that he hadlived in frontier days, but he can’t turn back the clock....
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Перевод слова quarter