Перевод слова Feet
Слово: feet
Транскрипция: [fiːt]
Перевод: ноги, ступни
We were so tired that we were dragging our feet.
Мы были такими уставшими, что едва волочили ногами.
When the judge entered the court everybody got to their feet.
Когда судья вошел в зал, все встали на ноги.
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- Значение идиомы feet of clay[feet of clay] {n. phr.} A hidden fault or weakness in a personwhich is discovered or shown. The famous general showed he had feetof clay when he began to drink liquor. The banker seemed to behonest, but he had feet of clay and was arrested for stealing....
- Значение идиомы cold feet[cold feet] {n. phr.}, {informal} A loss of courage or nerve; a failure or loss of confidence in yourself. Ralph was going to ask Mary to dance with him but he got cold feet and didn’t....
- Best advice possibleTaylor was desperate for business, and was happy to be appointed by the court to defend an indigent defendant. The judge ordered Taylor, “You are to confer with the defendant in the hallway, and give him the best legal advice you can.” After a time, Taylor re-entered the courtroom alone. When the judge asked where […]...