Case — случай, обстоятельство; чемодан, контейнер Перевод слова
Authenticated case — достоверный случай
vanity case — дамский несессер
hypothetical case — гипотетическая ситуация
This is an exceptive Case.
Это исключительно сложный случай.
In this Case he acted right.
В этом деле он поступил справедливо.
The Case was decided.
Дело было решено.
Проект на тему мои планы на будущее.
Topic the best friend.
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- A tough case was being argued in courtA tough case was being argued in court. The defense attorney, feeling that he was in trouble, sent the judge a bottle of hundred-year old brandy. The defendant was fit to be tied. «The judge’ll kill me. Trying to bribe him! We’re dead!» «I don’t think so,» his attorney told him. «I sent it in ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы case the joint[case the joint] {v. phr.}, {slang} 1. To study the layout of a place one wishes to burglarize. The hooded criminals carefully cased the joint before robbing the neighborhood bank. 2. To familiarize oneself with a potential workplace or vacation spot as a matter of preliminary planning. «Hello Fred,» he said. «Are you working here ... Читать далее...
Перевод слова case