Parts of a City
Tanya: We’ve been here for three days and I’m still getting lost.
Darren: Here’s a map. These are the Residential neighborhoods. See? This is where we’re staying.
Tanya: I know, I know. But where were we today? The tour bus went down so many Alleys that I Lost my bearings after 10 minutes. I thought we were Going in circles.
Darren: Look, we drove through Downtown first, past the Financial district. Next, we drove past the Housing projects to the Historic district.
Tanya: I remember all that.
Darren: Okay, then. From the historic district, we drove through Uptown. Got that?
Tanya: Yeah, that’s where things get a little Hazy. How did we get to the Outskirts of town? One minute we were in uptown, and the next minute, we were at the City limits.
Darren: We took one of the Back roads along here. See? Now do you understand the Lay of the land?
Tanya: Yup, definitely. Ask me anything. I know this city Like the back of my hand.
Darren: No, thanks. That’s like The blind leading the blind!
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