Newspapers and Magazines
Топик Газеты и журналы рассказывает, какую большую роль играют периодические издания в нашей жизни: из них мы узнаем о последних событиях в мире и всегда будем в курсе происходящего во всех уголках земного шара. Но так как нет возможности охватить все издания, каждый выбирает периодику на свой вкус.
Newspapers and magazines play a very important part in our life. Practically there is no family that does not read them. We can learn many things from newspapers. Perhaps that is why many years ago an American humorous writer said: “All I know is what I see in the papers”; and another American author more than half a century ago wrote that “the careful reader of a few good newspapers can learn more in a year than most scientists do in their great libraries”.
We can agree or disagree with these statements (better to disagree, because scientific books and magazines have more information than newspapers), but we’ll have to say that newspapers help us in many ways. There are a lot of different kinds of newspapers in our country. One can buy them practically everywhere. It is impossible to read all the newspapers and magazines. Everyone has favourite ones.
My favourite newspaper is “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. We can read almost about everything in this newspaper. There are articles dealing with home and abroad news, sport events, life of favourite actors and singers and even the weather. We can find many interesting things there. We can read some useful pieces of advice, some stories about our life, and so on. There are puzzles, songs and even anecdotes there. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” is one of the most interesting newspapers, to my mind.





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