My Favourite TV Program

Топик Моя любимая телевизионная программа рассказывает о роли телевидения в нашей жизни. Просмотр ТВ передач – самое популярное развлечение, из разнообразных программ мы узнаем о текущих событиях в мире и в нашей стране, смотрим оперные и балетные постановки, музыкальные концерты, развлекательные шоу и спортивные передачи. Есть также образовательные передачи для школьников. Транслируется много художественных фильмов и сериалов, но наибольший интерес зрителей вызывают викторины и программы «Клуба путешественников».

The most popular entertainment in our home life is television. We have a choice between five channels: First Channel, Russia and 3 commercial channels. There is also a cable TV station in our town.

Television plays an important role in our life. It informs people about current events both national and international, the latest achievements in science and culture, and offers some programs, which are both interesting and stimulating. Every day we can see different tips of programs on TV. News is broadcast at regular intervals. They also present operas, ballets, music concerts and various shows.

Broadcast for schools are produced on five days of the week, during school hours. In the late afternoon and early evening TV channels showed special programs for children. In the evenings and at weekends there are broadcasts of sports events.

A large time of TV evening’s time is occupied by films and serials, but as for me I like quizzes. A quizzes–program is a question and an answer competition which offers money and other prizes to the winners. Such programs as «Wonders field», «What, Where, When», «A Hundred to One» are my favorite ones, because they are both informative and interesting.

But best of all I like the programs of «Travellers’ club», because it gives me a chance to travel of other the world with out living home. Far away countries and their customs and traditional are come into my living room.

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My Favourite TV Program